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Workers’ rights balance swung too far the wrong way, says Labour

Northumberland Labour says hard-fought worker’s rights have been lost and the balance has swung too far the other way.

Leader Scott Dickinson said: “The employment market is swung totally in the employers’ direction thanks to 11 years of Tory rule and this has to change. We need to achieve a balance where employers can staff and run their businesses appropriately and staff are rewarded and recognised fairly for the work they do. It makes sense to reward employees fairly. The more secure a well rewarded people feel, the more they can spend in the economy. It’s not rocket science.

“Under a Labour-led council and Labour government we would strive to redress the balance that has resulted in employers have little or no job security or say in how they do their job.

“It’s unfair that employees currently have to wait until two years into their employment to gain their full rights, including protections against unfair dismissal, and that so many are restricted from achieving a better work-life balance and miss out on valuable time at home with their families because of these qualifying periods.

“Twenty six percent or 7.2 million workers in this country have been in their job for less than two years, so they have no protection against unfair dismissal or redundancy. No worker should be allowed to be without the protection against being unfairly dismissed, which leaves the most vulnerable workers exposed, and all workers should be able to enjoy the benefits of flexible working. Almost two million (7%) of employees in the UK have been working for their employer for less than 26 weeks and are therefore currently unable to request flexible working arrangements.

“We want to see full employment rights and protections from day one, scrapping the qualifying periods that deny millions the security and dignity they deserve.”


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