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Time for much needed change, says Northumberland Labour

Northumberland Labour says it’s time for much needed change.

Leader Scott Dickinson said: “Nationally and locally we’ve seen the Tory government and Tory led council letting ordinary people down.

“The behaviour of the council leadership has been nothing less than shameful with the chief executive officer unlawfully suspended and on the way out, the director of human resources and head of communications have left and two deputy chief executive officers have resigned.

“These people were elected to act in the interests of people living in our county. Instead they’re too busy making life unbearable for the officers whose teams carry the work out. It’s an absolute shambles.

“With an election in 2024 we can only promise to respect and serve the people of this county. However we’ll be judged our track record of delivery in holding the council to account. Personally I pledge to ensure that a Labour-led council devotes itself to the people of this county.

“The council has done nothing new; not a single affordable home built. A council that puts local people first is critical and essential in these dreadful times. The Conservatives have done nothing but continue Labour investment and have glorified themselves in projects come to fruition during the six years they gained control of the county council. While doing that they have not delivered on essential basics or the much needed support for the most vulnerable.

“We believe in putting local people first and providing better and properly funded schools. Improved roads and building stronger communities.

“On being elected leader of Northumberland Labour the opposition last year I was immensely proud and will stand to convince Northumbrians that under my leadership none of the dreadfully embarrassing County Hall actions will happen. All I can do at this stage is promise that.

“Locals who know me and elect me know I deliver on my promises. So at the next local elections I hope people will vote Labour for my colleagues so we can deliver the change we need.

“Housing, schools, social care and more all need urgent local reform for Northumbrians. We can’t have the same old same old which is all the Conservatives offer.”



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Promoted by Anthony Reay on behalf of Scott Dickinson both at 2 Beehive House, North Broomhill NE65 9UD

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