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Suspect donations must be repaid, says Northumberland Labour leader

As the atrocities in Ukraine continue to unfold, Northumberland Labour leader Scott Dickinson says it’s high time the Tory party repaid the millions donated from Russian-related oligarchs.

Councillor Dickinson said: “It’s not surprising the the UK government was being lenient about Russian oligarchs; millions of pounds has been donated to the Tory party by Russian and Russia-related oligarchs. For the Tories it would have been, regardless of the abhorrent scenes we’re witnessing in Ukraine at the hands of Vladimir Putin, like biting the hand that feeds them.

“Berwick MP Anne-Marie Trevelyan has tried to distance herself by saying it was the Berwick on Tweed Conservative Association, not her, that received £7,420 from now defunct Russian company Yukos leading up to the general election.

“I think it’s time for the Tory party and individual Tories to look at where they get their wealth. People don’t donate money without wanting something in return.

“It’s shows that the current party financing system is not fit for purpose. In a democracy it’s the voters who are supposed to determine what happens in the country, not the people who donate to the political parties.

“The whole country would be far better off with a transparent state funded party system which couldn’t be influenced by millionaires who give money in return for influence. It’s undemocratic and unhealthy.

“In the meantime the Berwick MP should consider her position and get her local association to give the donation back.

“I shouldn’t think there is anyone who’d support Russian or Russia-related political donations while Russia is being led by such a ruthless aggressor.”


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