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Something old, nothing new, something borrowed and people left feeling blue

PM’s housing plans show how out of touch he is, says Northumberland Labour

Northumberland Labour says last week’s housing announcement by the Prime Minister shows how totally out of touch he is with the people he’s supposed to be serving.

Leader Scott Dickinson said: “Given the seriousness of the housing situation, brought about by no real commitment to solve the housing problem, the best the PM can come up with is something announced his predecessor David Cameron in 2015.

“After that, he borrowed Labour’s announcement of last September to give local people and first time buyers first dibs of new homes.

“The man has nothing new to offer, rather he goes looking for scraps to offer the people of this country who deserve better.

“It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out if you allow more public homes to be sold there are fewer for people who need a decent roof over their head.

“What we’re seeing now is years of Tory indifference to ordinary people who are just trying to afford a decent home for themselves and their family.

“Labour wants to see more public housing built, existing homes retrofitted to make them greener and cheaper to run, unscrupulous landlords tackled and – and Labour announced this last September – first dibs for local people and first time buyers when new homes are built.

“People are being let down by this government; they have 12 years to make a difference and all we’ve seen is people’s standards of living getting worse and the country’s housing stock deteriorating. Surely people deserve better than this?”



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