Northumberlanders set for better jobs and conditions under Labour’s new deal
People living and working in Northumberland would be set for better jobs, pay and conditions under a Labour government.
Northumberland Labour leader Scott Dickinson said: “Eleven years of Tory rule have seen working conditions chipped away bit by bit. It’s shocking that in 2021 people are suffering in-work poverty and the insecurity of zero hours contracts and hiring and firing practices. It’s practically impossible for people to plan their lives, look after themselves and their families and simply enjoy a decent standard of living under these working conditions.
“Northumberland Labour wants to see that change and that’s exactly what’s promised under a Labour government.”
Labour’s new deal for workers includes:
Better and fairer workplaces by giving workers full rights from day one on the job, outlawing fire and rehire, a new right to work flexibly and strengthening trade unions
Using government contracts to support British businesses so we buy, make and sell more in Britain and a strong industrial strategy that delivers investment in green jobs including building electric cars.
A fair and level playing field on tax between multinational and local businesses; tackle harassment and discrimination at work.
A jobs-promise for young people with a guarantee of quality education, training or employment, creating tens of thousands of apprenticeships by ending the Treasury raid of the apprenticeship levy
Making sure that work pays enough to bring up a family with a real living wage of at least £10 an hour for all with more workers covered by collectively agreed deals which boost pay