Labour’s 5 Missions

Northumberland Labour welcomed the announcement of Labour’s 5 Missions.
Leader Scott Dickinson said: “After 13 years of a Tory government and people feeling defeated by relentless cuts and a loss of their standard of living, it was music to my ears to hear a national announcement with some vision and ambition.”
Labour’s plan to work relentlessly towards measurable national goals are:
securing the highest sustained growth in the G7*
making Britain a clean energy superpower
building an NHS fit for the future
breaking down barriers to opportunity at every stage
making Britain’s streets safe
“People I talk to are ready for change. They can see that this government has, on so many occasions, tried to put a sticking plaster over a problem which was a gaping wound.
“They’re ready to vote for a party which puts people first and works hard to make a country that works for everyone.”
* The Group of Seven (G7) is an international intergovernmental economic organisation consisting of seven major developed countries: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States, which are the largest (IMF; International Monetary Fund) advanced economies in the world.