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Jobs could be lost as school energy bills soar

Soaring energy bills are forcing schools to cut staff or subjects as they work out how they will pay for heating and lighting.

Northumberland Labour leader Scott Dickinson said: “It’s alarming to read the report from regional education charity Schools North East that nearly a third of schools in the region could go into debt just to pay their energy bills.

“Even more alarming is head teachers saying they will have to consider staff restructuring and cutting subjects on the curriculum.

“We warned people about this months ago. Something could have been done, if only the government was prepared to act in the interests of the people it serves.

“Something is going badly wrong. Once again the government could have stepped in, once again they’ve chosen not to in favour of the rich energy companies and once again people are feeling let down.

“Children and the staff who teach and support them have been let down so badly throughout the pandemic and this is just another example of a total lack of regard this government has for the future of our children.”


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