How many last straws do we need?

Northumberland Labour is asking how many last straws there are needed before a change of government is needed.
Leader Scott Dickinson said: “Every time we hear yet another story of tax irregularities, the PM refusing to suspend his deputy while allegations of bullying are investigated and the government allowing mega-rich energy companies to continue raking in profits while ordinary people are having to choose between eating and heating, I wonder how many times we will have to think ‘this is really the last straw’ before this shameful government goes.
“In 13 years they have taken the country back decades. Children are far less well off than their parents and many can never hope to own a home of their own, life expectancy has decreased and the government is encouraging older people to go back to work to bolster the economy. Something has gone wrong and ordinary people are being badly let down.
“Labour wants to create a country that works for everyone with cleaner, greener affordable housing, people being properly rewarded for the work they do, good education and a health and social care service that’s properly funded and there when people need it. We know that people’s life chances: their homes, their education, their social networks and their income all contribute to health and life expectancy.
“This what Labour will be concentrating on when it gets into government; a government which puts people first.”