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Government infighting continues while Northumbrians struggle to deal with 10 per cent inflation

Northumberland Labour says the shameful way the government is currently acting is threatening the life and livelihoods of thousands of people across the county.

“Talk about fiddling while Rome burns,” says leader Scott Dickinson. “There are financial fires breaking out and people suffering all over the place, but what do the government do? They carry on fighting to keep their precious party in power while many Northumbrians are thinking about how they’re going to survive. It’s absolutely disgraceful.

“And now inflation has hit 10 percent; higher costs for consumers, businesses having to charge more as their own costs rise and, as always, the poorest and most vulnerable being hardest hit.

“How the Prime Minister can sit there and says she’s acted in the national interest is beyond belief.

“In 2022 in one of the richest countries of the world people are terrified of turning their heating on and missing meals, four million children are living in poverty and many many people, including working people, are relying on food banks to get by.

“This is not caused by the war in Ukraine, it’s not the pandemic and it’s not Brexit; it’s a government which, for 12 years, has systematically stripped away dignity from millions of ordinary people.

“This government could fix these things if they wanted to, but they don’t. They aren’t and never have been on the side of ordinary people.

“It’s time for a change.”



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Promoted by Anthony Reay on behalf of Scott Dickinson both at 2 Beehive House, North Broomhill NE65 9UD

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