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Consultant spend to save scheme scandalous, say Northumberland Labour

Northumberland Labour says the £9m approved to spend on expensive consultants to save the council money is unnecessary and a disgrace.

Leader Scott Dickinson said: “At a time when the services that Northumbrians rely on are being cut, I find it incredible that the Tory-led council has just agreed to spend the eye-watering sum of £9m on consultants to help them save a possible £17m over the coming years. It make absolutely no sense.

“Since the Conservative government came into power 13 years ago literally millions of pounds have been wiped off the council budget. At a time when the county council was led by Labour, officers, staff and councillors came up with imaginative ways to minimise the impact of these cruel cuts. Maybe the first questions this Tory-led council should be asking is when are they going to get the appropriate level of funding needed to support people in our county.

“If you speak to officers and staff they often know where savings can be made. People on the receiving end of services can often see where inefficiencies lie as well.

“If the council directed its efforts into listening to those who work for it and ensuring that staff can be retrained and relocated, keeping any job losses to those who wish to leave or change their job within the council, then these savings could be made without engaging expensive consultants.

“These companies are famous for doing the equivalent of borrowing your watch, telling you the time and charging you millions for the pleasure.

“We firmly believe the expertise already lies within the council and the county. The £9m could be far better spent on services for the people of Northumberland.”


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