Chancellor’s budget brings no cheer for Northumbrians

The Northumberland Labour leader says the Chancellor’s budget shows just how out of touch he and the government are.
Scott Dickinson said: “We’re supposed to feel grateful for the pathetic things the Chancellor has handed out.
“For a government which says it believes in low taxes, ordinary people are living with highest sustained tax burden in peacetime while the rich are not affected at all.
“After taking £6 billion out of the pockets of some of the poorest people in this country, he is expecting them to cheer today at being given £2 billion to compensate.
“Never has a Chancellor asked the British people to pay so much for so little, loading the burden on working people with tax rises and wasting billions of pounds of taxpayer money.
“But there is another way. Labour would put working people first.
“Labour would use the power of government and the skill of business to ensure the next generation of quality jobs are created right here, in Britain.
Labour would tax fairly, spend wisely and after a decade of anaemic growth we’d get Britain’s economy firing on all cylinders.”