Apprenticeships to be brought back under Labour

A Labour government and council would bring back apprenticeships to ensure young people can earn while they learn. Leader Scott Dickinson said: “When the council was led by Labour we created hundreds of apprenticeships and a social care academy to bring on a develop young people. “If this had been kept up the county would be in a far better place to address the needs of social care and business. “While a university education is valuable, it’s not for everyone. Employers also need skilled workers to meet the needs of their organisations and they are constantly telling the government that the current system is not producing the types of workers with the skills required.. “This government does not value apprenticeships and this has been shown in the numbers of apprentice places being cut leaving skills gaps in our economy which need to be filled urgently. “Labour is committed to helping every young person make a strong start to their working life with quality training and employment, developing their skills and meeting the needs of our economy.”