Amble Tories drastic change of opinion for nearly 1000 homes in the Town
Again this week we have seen hundreds of homes approved for Amble, a wonderful thriving town in Northumberland but when is it enough ?
In the last few months since the Tory removal of the Core Strategy nearly 1000 homes have been approved for Amble. Something vigorously opposed by the Tory Councillor for Amble on the run up to the election. Grabbing headlines like "Amble under seize" from developers and such like were continuously muttered on a daily basis.
Now another surprise U Turn took place at planning where he passionately spoke in support of the planning applications for the Town........Â
One might have been in agreement had the infrastructure planning like the new school etc....not been stopped by his Party and the offer for Amble's young people's education had been set for improvements to house all the children that will come with nearly 1000 homes.Â
Instead support was given for hundreds of homes despite the pressures on Schools, Doctors, Roads and many other amenities that were an issue before the election but apparently not now.Â
In the election material pumped out in Amble they were going to "stop the march of developers" and Amble Tories repeatedly mislead people about developments and who did or didn't make approvals at planning.Â
Now I must point out I am all in favour of appropriate housing, all in favour of housing where its needed and housing that local people can access. But to vigorously oppose more rented accommodation and fully support hundreds of homes with only 15% affordable then that is something that needs to be challenged.Â
The reality is that more rented accommodation for local young people who can't get on the ladder is something that's needed. More people are being asked to move away to find suitable accommodation leaving family and friends behind.Â
Local people are right wondering whats changed since before the election to make opinion change so quickly ???
Truth of the matter is with the Council and Communities left powerless without a Core Strategy for guidance its a free for all. I suspect there will be many more in the pipline not only for Amble but smaller surrounding communities.Â
Amble's Town Council Objected to the scheme saying:
Amble Town Council object due to the access. With a redesign of the site, it should be possible, practical and much safer to construct an access from the developers land to the existing roundabout at the junction of the A1068 and Percy Drive. The current planned access will lead to congestion and a build- up of traffic when approaching the estate from the North and queuing to cross the highway; similarly exit problems when coming from the estate to travel South.
Current guidance obtained states that lengthening a roundabout for the purpose of access or adding a second round about is permitted and we urge this to be looked into further. This will also help alleviate speeding problems in this area which is already a huge concern on this road.
Guidance also refers to Disconnected Zones and states that developments should be connected by roads and streets with mixed use although we accept that this is not sometimes the best option, specifically with this development as there is a main road. Concerns over whether the town in its present form can sustain as large a development and would urge a reduction in number to alleviate the impact on the town’s infrastructure.
It is vital that parish and town councils are consulted along with NCC to assist in developing agreements to enhance the educational, medical, recreational, youth facilities and healthy transport routes which will be needed with the influx of population should such a development go ahead. Amble Town Council would also welcome the opportunity to work with the schemes Travel Plan Co-ordinator to analyse the existing cycle/walking routes and form a comprehensive plan for the whole town which could be utilised when addressing assistance from developers.
Whilst there are detailed mitigation plans regarding the environment, the ecology and open spaces, little has been determined about their future maintenance- this must be addressed. Concerns over drainage aspects must be addressed to the authoritys satisfaction and the use of permeable materials should be considered wherever possible. Energy conservation should be addressed with the use of solar panels The proposed footpath installation along Percy Drive may impact upon the trees in the verge which were installed by Amble Town Council to commemorate the Queens Golden Jubilee.
Care must be taken not to damage these trees or their roots; if any trees are adversely affected, the developer must replace them with suitable semi mature stock. Storage on site of all materials and equipment with wheel washing and road sweeping facilities.
Summary of Responses:
Site should be accessed from Percy Drive roundabout; Route of Amble bypass should be safeguarded;
Need for pedestrian/cycle links with Hindhaugh Homes site Highway safety concerns including spacing between proposed access and Percy Drive roundabout and car parking around site access if frontage dwellings to the A1068 have rear parking court car parking;
No need for this number of new houses; Increased pressure on infrastructure such as schools, GPs, recreational facilities, drainage; Flood risk;
Adverse impact on wildlife within and outside the site including impact of designated sites nearby; Potential impact on archaeology