Labour will protect state pension as Tories fail to commit to Triple Lock
Today Labour is committing to protect the incomes of twelve million pensioners by legislating to keep the 'triple lock'. · Under The Tories 300,000 more pensioners are in poverty, yet they have failed to commit to the ‘triple lock’ on state pensions which protects pensioners’ standards of living.
· The Tories are abandoning older people. They have cut £4.6 billion from social care budgets over the last parliament and they have failed to protect the NHS.
· A Labour Government will protect pensioner incomes by legislating to keep the Triple Lock on state pensions over the lifetime of the next parliament. · Labour is also committing to keep the Winter Fuel Allowance and free bus passes.
· Labour's commitment means that state pensions will be uprated by the higher of average earnings, inflation or 2.5 per cent.
· With more pensioners in poverty under the Conservatives, it is clear that a Labour Government is necessary to provide a secure and dignified retirement for the many who have contributed all their lives.
Scott said: "These are the guarantees people need to hear."
"These are the big issues that people are concerned about and the Tories are silent on"