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The Tories are failing working people in Northumberland and across the UK

The Tories are failing working people Under the Tories, working families are set to be an average of £1,400 a year worse off, real wages are lower now than they were in 2010 and nearly six million people are paid less than the living wage. All this while the few at the top have been given tax breaks worth tens of billions of pounds. Under the Tories:

· The NHS and social care have been pushed into a state of emergency, with soaring waiting lists and hospitals in financial crisis.

· Schools across the country face cuts and class sizes are rising, while those young people who want to go to university face huge debts.

· House building fell to its lowest peacetime rate since the 1920s.

· Our safety has been compromised with more than 20,000 police officers cut since 2010. Labour will:

· Protect our public services, giving the NHS the money it needs and delivering good teaching in good schools for all our children.

· Take an alternative approach to Brexit: one which protects jobs and the economy, investing in infrastructure, skills, new technology and the green industries for the future.

· Deliver a better, fairer Britain where prosperity is shared, everyone is rewarded fairly for hard work and where a home to rent or buy is affordable.

· Build a Britain for the many, not the few. 

Scott said: "it's important working people have a government that supports them not penalises them".

"A Labour Government would be on the side of hard working people and we've outlined how we would do that."

"It's in the interests of hard working people to vote Labour on 8th June"

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