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Libdem Hypocrisy on BEDROOM TAX at least the Tories accept and are gleeful in admitting they introdu

It's strange, but not surprising how some 'wanabee' local politicians can go into complete denial of their Party's policies whilst campaigning for County Hall power.

Liberal County Council election candidates on random literature tell communities they welcomed the finding of the Courts on matters surrounding the 'bedroom tax' stating their party has "been vociferous in their opposition to the ‘spare room subsidy’ since its inception"

My question to them is when is WHEN??

During our campaigning for the 2015 Parliamentary elections all we heard was Libs giving Fibs and here we are again with another round of the same level of denial!

I think I should remind people of some of the anti-social policies along with the bedroom tax the Libs in Parliament and locally supported during the coalition period at County Hall and in Government.

Restructuring the NHS kickstarting outsourcing, Trebling Tuition Fees, Introduction of Universal Credit, Slashing Disability Living Allowance claimant numbers then changing the benefit altogether,Putting back womens pension even further,Privatising prisons under a 'workforce reform' banner and rolling up public debt to 62% of GDP to name but few. Not to mention the paying off of 1500 Council staff, forcing Town and Parish Councils to take on services and working with the Conservatives in Northumberland to privatise Council Services and Jobs to the highest bidder.

You may argue that the Tories introduced these policies but the Libdem party was just as culpable through the hands up agreement supported both nationally and locally.

I can understand why you want to distance yourself but the Public don't forget nor do they obsorb lies told.

A bit like the lies around the County Hall move which SAVES £16million. Even the public now recognise the Tory lies of £80million is a little far fetched.

Desperation to win isn't appealing!!!

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